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凯比拓顺利完成展会 – 2022第二十届中国国际铸造博览会

日期: 2022-09-29
浏览次数: 84


顺利完成展会 – 2022第二十届中国国际铸造博览会


顺利完成展会 – 2022第二十届中国国际铸造博览会

顺利完成展会 – 2022第二十届中国国际铸造博览会

顺利完成展会 – 2022第二十届中国国际铸造博览会

Metal +Metallurgy China 2022 Shanghai” successfully completed


Metal +Metallurgy China 2022 Shanghai” successfully completed on 21th SEP 2022. It was our honor that so many visitors showed their interest and potential in cooperation with Capital Shanghai during the exhibition. We will respond to all enquiries as soon as possible and keep on servicing our customers with quality. We appreciate all our friends/customers’ supports to make our exhibition successfully.

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2022年第二十届中国国际铸造博览会,已于2022年9月21日成功落幕。感谢在展会期间莅临我司展位参观、指教的朋友与客户,凯比拓将尽快回应客户的需求,并持续的努力精进,以回报大家的支持。 “Metal +Metallurgy China 2022 Shanghai” successfully completed “Metal +Metallurgy China 2022 Shanghai” successfully completed on 21th SEP 2022. It was our honor that so many visitors showed their interest and potential in cooperation with Capital Shanghai during the exhibition. We will resp...
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